i2i wheelchairs

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  The i2i wheelchair


People usually sit down to do some things and to stand up to do others... unless they are confined to a wheelchair.  Being unable to stand up has a huge impact on the way that people are able to interact with others and their surroundings !

The i2i wheelchair has been developed to enable wheelchair users to enjoy the same physical and social interactions as others who are able to stand.

It gives people the choice to either sit as they would in a normal wheelchair,  or to lift themselves up to a height that they might be if they were standing.

From reaching for the coffee in the morning, buying a sandwich at lunchtime,  or enjoying a drink with friends in the evening;  the situations where wheelchair users would benefit from being at a higher level are endless and so are the opportunities for the i2i wheelchair to make a difference.  Find out how it works here.

The i2i® logo is a registered trade mark. Copyright 2006, I2I Engineering Ltd.